Conference logo: Unifying the world with knowledge.

July 8, 2024

Capstone Conference

The Vantage Capstone Conference is a fabulous, interdisciplinary, and academic-intensive opportunity for students to share scientific and engineering projects they have completed as well as the English proficiency they have developed throughout the entire academic year. Academic knowledge in different fields of science will be showcased and students will demonstrate the confidence they have built in public speaking. This annual academic event motivates both Science students and Applied Science students to gain more amazing ideas and suggestions for further research investigation and enhances the determination to pursue science studies in the future. Students will expeditiously grow from this meaningful academic event after completing the 1st year of academic studies in the Vantage One Program. Come and join us to witness their wonderful achievements at Vantage!

Vantage One Program

The Vantage One program is a comprehensive academic initiative for students worldwide, offering a bridge between high school and university. With diverse faculty streams, the Vantage program focuses on constructing an experiential learning environment and a supportive community for students immersed in the first-year academic experience. The program enhances students’ skills, language proficiency, and cross-cultural understanding. Through a mix of academic and elective courses, students gain a strong foundation while applying their knowledge to real-world situations. With inclusive student services and a multicultural environment, the program prepares students for success in their future academic and professional pursuits, as well as a seamless transition into the second year at UBC.

Conference Highlights

Conference Theme

The theme chosen for this year’s capstone conference is Unifying the World with Knowledge. This value has played a key role through time for the progress of Humanity and the Vantage One program is a clear embodiment of this concept. Students come from all over the world, speaking different languages and having completely different backgrounds, yet all of them are united by the search for knowledge.

This idea was explored in the theme of last year’s conference “Navigating the Seas of Knowledge”. This year, we strive to continue this exploration of multiculturalism, diversity and the collaborative spirit of STEM students and professionals. After the end of this program our students will all go on towards different career paths, without forgetting how enriching this experience was and working towards the future for scientific and technological progress.

Our logo depicts the harmonization of our unique differences through the language of Science. Throughout human history, light has been associated with knowledge and progress, such as with the gods Apollo and Athena in Greek mythology, or the use of the Olympic flame. This idea also represents the scientific discovery and understanding of the natural world in the Renaissance by the refraction of light through a prism discovered by Isaac Newton. This concept is the inspiration for our logo, in which we have portrayed a scientific world where all knowledge, hope and progress is linked directly to the diversity of our communities and international collaboration. The choice of mixed techniques used for the creation of the logo rests on the idea of collective effort that surpasses time, language and differences, diffracted just like light.

Student Speakers

Jiahao (Irving) Lyu
Jiahao Lyu is a student in Vantage College who shows great interest in mechanical engineering and manufacturing engineering. His personal experience of working in the field of engineering is also wide-ranging including solidworks modelling, volunteer experience in a steam engine generator company and a variety of engineering projects throughout high school and university. In his daily life, he likes to play basketball and watch movies (and also play video games for sure!). He’s looking forward continuing to make new friends and sharing his experience at UBC with future engineering students.

Priscila Luciano Carranza
Priscila Luciano Carranza is a first-year student from Mexico at the University of British Columbia. After obtaining her Baccalauréat through a joint scholarship program between the Mexican and French governments, she was recognized as a recipient of the Vantage One Excellence Award in 2023. Priscila is particularly interested in the interdisciplinary applications of Computer Science, with a goal to connect technology with other fields. For the 2024 Capstone Conference edition, she contributed to the design and theme of the conference as well as the web page development.

Social Activities

Frisbee Tournament: Monday July 08, 1:00PM-1:30PM, Orchard Commons Courtyard

Frisbee Tournament. July 08, 2024. 1-1:30PM. Orchard Commons Courtyard.

Celebrating Students’ Apprentice Research

As the instructor for two summer Vantage courses, I have witnessed remarkable transformations in my students over just a few weeks. Throughout this period, they have demonstrated an impressive ability to reach their higher potential by addressing community-driven challenges. This experience has enhanced their technical expertise and honed their soft skills, enabling them to make significant strides in their comprehension and approach to engineering problems.

Their journey has been characterized by a deepening understanding of applying hard and soft skills to real-world scenarios effectively. This practical application has been instrumental in their development, fostering a sense of confidence and competence that will undoubtedly serve them well in their future endeavours.

I am eagerly anticipating the culmination of their hard work and dedication at the project showcase event on July 8. It promises to be an exciting and inspiring occasion, highlighting the innovative solutions and profound insights that these talented students have cultivated. Their projects will reflect the depth of their learning and the breadth of their capabilities, marking a significant milestone in their educational journey.

— Dr. Ray Taheri, School of Engineering

Dear Students,

Congratulations on successfully completing your first year! Transitioning from high school to university is no small feat, with so many demands and countless new things to learn. Think of university as a marathon: stay focused on each step while keeping your long-term goals in sight. If you’ve conquered one semester, you can tackle the next. Embrace every opportunity to acquire new skills; these are what will set you apart in the future. Keep pushing forward, and remember, this journey is building the foundation for your success.

— Georg Rieger, Vantage Science and Physics and Astronomy

Dear students,

Congratulations on all of your hard work and completing your first year at UBC.

The positive changes and growth in communication skills I witnessed within in each of you from the first presentation to the end of term was truly impressive. I genuinely enjoyed our lively discussions, debates, and learning from you each week as well.

Based on your stellar final project presentations in SCIE 113, I’m certain that the Capstone Conference will be an incredible success.

I wish you each the best of luck on your future adventures both at UBC and beyond!

— Beth Volpov, Lecturer, SCIE113

Hello everyone,

Congratulations on completing your summer term at UBCO! It’s been a pleasure to spend the last 8 weeks with you in APSC 176 and to see your steady progress in your learning journey. It’s my deepest hope that you realize how capable you are of whatever next year (and the next year, and the next year…) will present you with. Your work ethics, resilience, and open-mindedness are just a few of the many qualities you possess that will carry you through your university study and your life. I’m lucky to have you in my class and I truly believe you will successfully do whatever you set your mind to. Well done on all you have accomplished so far, and keep pushing the boundaries of your capabilities. I wish you all best of luck at the Capstone Conference, and I’m confident you will brilliantly demonstrate the remarkable talent you possess!

— Jing Li, School of Engineering