Science Team 19

Comparative Effectiveness of Ceramic Filtration and Boiling in Reducing Escherichia coli Concentrations in Seawater Samples from UBC Wreck Beach

Amanda Zhang is interested in working toward data analysis. Her passion for exploring and uncovering the inner relationships within biological systems drives her to actively engage in scientific research. Her current collaborative research is related to biology and healthcare.

Yiting Zhao, as a student who has just finished her first year of vantage science at the University of British Columbia, is very interested in the courses of biology and chemistry. She hopes to enter the field of pharmaceutical research and eventually become a pharmacist.


This project explored whether ceramic water filtration or boiling is more effective at reducing Escherichia coli (E. coli) concentrations in seawater from UBC Wreck Beach. Methods involved sample collection, dilution, culturing, and treatment using ceramic filtration and boiling. Effectiveness was measured by counting E. coli colonies before and after treatment. Data analysis showed boiling was more effective than ceramic filtration in reducing E. coli concentrations


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