Science Team 26

Research on Distribution and Trends of Popular Programming Language


Nowadays, both the qualities and quantities of programming languages are growing quickly. This study analyzes the distribution and trends of popular programming languages in the 21st century. Specifically, the study collected data on the rate of users of programming languages from Tiobe, GitHub, etc., and analyzed the data with Python code. This study highlighted some common coding languages and their trends. It provides potential relationships of user portion change between different common languages which may help people to find the proper languages to use.


Ziyi Yang is a first-year student in the Vantage Science Program at the University of British Columbia, who wants to major in computer science. He has learned several programming languages and algorithms and attended many coding competitions. Currently, he is doing some research on the distribution of prevailing programming languages with Shitao.

Shitao Wen is an undergraduate student studying at the University of British Columbia. He loves coding and anime culture. He has some coding projects about anime (animeTravel, recognize, etc) and other fields. He is passionate about applicate computer vision in recognizing anime character fields to create valid features. He wants to major in computer science to learn deeper deep learning and relation knowledge.
