Science Team 2

The Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Activity

Research Question:

What is the effectiveness of greenhouse gas reduction by conducting the relationship between the number of car owners and the frequency of subway usage from 2010 to 2020 in nine countries: Vietnam, China, Canada, The Czech Republic, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Brazil, France, and Spain?


This research analyzes the relationship between car ownership and subway usage from 2010 to 2020 in nine countries. The number of car owners, the frequency of subway usage, and the population of each country for each year will be collected and analyzed to determine the correlation between car ownership and subway usage using a self-developed mathematical model. The research illustrates different trends across countries. The following four countries show dramatic effectiveness in reduction compared to other countries: Spain, the Czech Republic, France, and Italy. However, there are significant spikes in 2013. On the other hand, Belgium, China, Brazil, Vietnam, and Poland show extremely low effectiveness.


Hajeong Kim is a culturally open-minded international student with a multi-cultural academic background spanning Korea, China, and Canada. Another word that aptly describes her is a tenacious first-year student at the University of British Columbia with a keen interest in astronomy and physics, particularly the Big-Bang theory, the beginning of the universe. Through diverse methods learned from each country, her primary focus is how to make effective application of advanced knowledge, and she aspires for her learning processes to contribute towards creating a better world.

Ji A Jung is first year student in Vantage One Science at University of British Columbia who interested in researching about real life related problems. She is passionate about computer and data science including analyzing data using computer language and programs. Her research in Capstone Conference provided opportunity to test her knowledge in research and data analysis.

Sora Takamura is a student in the Vantage One Science program who aims to major in Biochemistry. He was born in Japan, and he has been keen on science with a deep interest in other cultures, including their languages, especially Korean. His goal is to contribute to the development of biochemical technologies and believes that his cultural experiences and the language skills will help him succeed globally.
