Comparative Analysis of Path-finding Algorithms in Maze Solving: Dijkstra, A*, and Flood Fill
This project evaluates the efficacy of three commonly used pathfinding algorithms—Dijkstra, A*, and Flood Fill—in the context of maze solving. The efficacy of each algorithm was assessed through a series of tests that evaluated its ability to consistently identify the shortest path, the run time, and the memory usage. Results indicate that while all three algorithms consistently identified optimal paths, with the A* algorithm showing the lowest average memory usage and best overall performance.
Jonathan Tang: Jonathan Tang is a first-year student in the Vantage One program at the University of British Columbia. During his time at Vantage College, Jonathan has had unforgettable memories, and next year he hopes to spend most of his time studying statistics and computer science. In Jonathan’s spare time, basketball was his greatest interest, he played intramural league and was MVP 4 times in 6 games. With intellectual knowledge, Jonathan can deal with more complex problems in his future studies and life.
Leo Lyu: Leo is a passionate 1st year Science student who want to enter the major of computational intelligence design. He is fascinated and driven by the beauty of programming’s accuracy and humanity’s delicacy and would like to explore their particulars. Singing and bouldering are the most attractive spare-time activity that he enjoys, as well as various outdoor activities and socializations.
Zhihan Gao: Zhihan Gao is a university student studying in the Vantage One Program at the University of British Columbia. His main studying focus is finding the connection between science and life which can help him understand the meaning of the aim of his whole life. His main areas of research interest include data analysis, geometry mathematics and pedagogy.